• H78 Plain Chain

    Allied-Locke "H" Class Mill Chain is an extremely strong, serviceable chain originally designed for heavy drives and transfer conveyor purposes in the forest products industry. It is also appropriate for many other industrial applications, especially for moderate duty in abrasive atmospheres.

    The direction of travel for "H" Class Mill Chain is determined by the application. If used in a conveyor application, the direction should be with the open end first. If used as a drive chain, themore

  • "H" Class Refuse Drag Chains

    Allied-Locke "H" Class Refuse Drag Chain is used for conveying abrasive waste materials through wooden or steel troughs. Because of this large, wide opening area, this chain provides sizeable carrying capacity when operated at moderate speeds. Links should always be run in the direction of the closed barrel.

    Dimensions are given in inches.

  • H78A, H131 Picture

    Allied-Locke "H" Class Transfer Chain is often referred to as "rooftop" or "camelback" chain. It is designed to carry heavily concentrated loads, such as lumber, boxes, barrels and crates. It is usually intended for operation in troughs, in two or more parallel strands, with only the tops of the links protruding.

    Dimensions are given in inches.

  • C55A Transfer Chain Picture

    Allied-Locke Combination Transfer Chain is often referred to as "rooftop" or "camelback" chain. It is designed to carry heavily concentrated loads, such as lumber, boxes, barrels and crates. It is usually intended for operation in troughs, in two or more parallel strands, with only the tops of the links protruding.

    Dimensions are given in inches.

  • Dual Flex Picture- Bent

    Double-Flex Chain rotates on two planes, making it ideal for running in multi-directional applications. Its design allows maximum flexibility, allowing it to travel around corners or obstacles.

    Dimensions are given in inches.

  • H78A1 Picture

    Dimensions are given in inches.